If you are using DNN (DotNetNuke) and have not changed the default logging settings then your database can grow in size fairly quickly. This article shows you how to clear your DNN log tables directly in your websites MS SQL database.
You will need to do this via Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), which if you do not have installed can be found here. You will also need to open up the firewall to allow you to connect to the SQL Server, this is shown here.
Follow these steps to truncate your DNN Logs.
t.NAME AS TableName,
s.Name AS SchemaName,
p.rows AS RowCounts,
SUM(a.total_pages) * 8 AS TotalSpaceKB,
SUM(a.used_pages) * 8 AS UsedSpaceKB,
(SUM(a.total_pages) - SUM(a.used_pages)) * 8 AS UnusedSpaceKB
FROM sys.tables t
INNER JOIN sys.indexes i ON t.OBJECT_ID = i.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.partitions p ON i.object_id = p.OBJECT_ID AND i.index_id = p.index_id
INNER JOIN sys.allocation_units a ON p.partition_id = a.container_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.schemas s ON t.schema_id = s.schema_id
AND t.is_ms_shipped = 0
GROUP BY t.Name, s.Name, p.Rows
ORDER BY SUM(a.total_pages) * 8 DESC
Using [YourDatabaseName]
truncate table eventlog
truncate table sitelog
truncate table schedulehistory
DBCC SHRINKDATABASE ([YourDatabaseName], 10);
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