Domain renewal notification policy

As per our terms we will try and notify you of up coming domain name renewals.

Different domain extensions require differing notification periods.

ICANN, who amongst other things are responsible for generic domain extensions such as .com, have specified in their Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) that a min 2 alerts must be sent between 26 and 35 days before expiration and between 4 and 10 days prior to expiration. In addition, one last notice must be sent within 5 days post domain expiration. Hence for these domains we send renewal notices at 60, 30, 15, 7, 1 days before renewal and 2 days after expiration.

Nominet, the body responsible for UK domains has different requirements, and therefore we send renewal notices at 60, 30, 15, 7, 1 days before renewal.

This may mean you get regular domain name reminder emails from us if you have multiple domain names with different extensions that expire on different dates in the same period. This can be stopped by either renewing the domain names that are coming up for renewal or selecting the 'Allow to Expire' option in the control panel.

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