View your bandwidth and diskspace usage summaries

All hosting and email plans come with bandwidth and diskspace quotas. We don't do unlimited plans (read more here) because

  • They don't really exist (other companies use fair usage policies to get around this marketing trick)
  • We like to be upfront and honest with our clients

You can view your bandwidth and diskspace usage at any time in your hosting control panel. There are 2 levels of reporting, an overview and a more detailed view.

1. Login to the portal and click on your hosting plan to access the hosting control panel -

2. Select 'Reporting' from the menu and then select the exact report you would like to view from the dropdown. These are 'overview' reports.

3. You can now see the usage summary. Click on the '(Click here to see the report)' link next to the diskspace and bandwidth to view the summary reports.

4. The diskspace report shows the current disk space used. It is broken down into your files and your database files (if in use).

5. The bandwidth report show the current months bandwidth usage and is broken up into Web (traffic to and from your website) and FTP (uploading/downloading to and from your website).

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