Out of the box WordPress lacks proper security and a reliable way of emailing notifications (password resets etc).
This article will show you how to install and configure the Wordfence and Post SMTP plugins on your WordPress website.
If you are having trouble following this guide and get stuck, then please contact support.
1. Log into your WordPress dashboard with the credentials you created. (To access the login page add "/wp-admin" to at end of your website name. www.yourwebsite.co.uk/wp-admin)
8. You will need to have an email address in order to send emails using the Post SMTP plugin. We recommend creating a seperate email like noreply@ or website@. To do this follow our article on How to add an Email Account.
Once you have created your email address go back to the configurator and input your email address and click "Next".
It is recommended to then test the set up. Click "Send a test email" then "Next" to test if the plugin has been configured properly.
Login to your email account at https://roundcube.nuttyabouthosting.co.uk and see if the email is in the inbox.
15. Next you will need to input the email address you set up your WordPress website with (typically your personal email address) to allow wordfence to notify you with security alerts.
Select whether you want to receive Wordfence news.
Lastly, tick the check box to agree to the terms and privacy policy.
You will be asked for a premium key, which you can enter now if you have one. However you can click 'No Thanks' and use for free. The premium plugin gives you realtime updates and other features.
17. Now we need to configure the web application firewall. This will require you to log into your portal and access your web hosting control panel.
20. Head back to your WordPress site and onto the "Wordfence" tab and click "Click here to configure" at the top of the page.
And we are done! Both Wordfence and Post SMTP have been successfully installed and configured properly for use within your website.
If you had any trouble following this guide please contact support.
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