1. Open up Internet Information Services (IIS) and drill down to find the website you need an SSL certificate for and then right click on the web site and go to properties.
2. Click on the 'Directory Security' tab and click on 'Server Certificate'.
3. Click 'Next' on the Web Server Certificate Wizard.
4. Select 'Create a new certificate' and then click 'Next'.
5. Select 'Prepare the request now, but send it later' and then click 'Next'.
6. Type in your website name that will help identify the SSL certificate, select '2048' as the bit length and then click 'Next'.
7. Type in your organisation name and unit (we use IT normally) and then click 'Next'.
8. Type in your url of your website and then click 'Next'.
9. Type in your location and then click 'Next'.
10. Create your filename and browse to a location you want to save it to and then click 'Next'.
11. That is your SSL certificate request completed. Now click 'Finish'.
12. Open the file you created and paste it into the request area when you buy an SSL certificate from Nutty About Hosting.
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