How to Deploy a Visual Studio 2010 Web Application Project Web Deploy

This article shows you how to publish a website using Visual Studio 2010 and Web Deploy.

NotePlease read the whole article before starting as you will need to make changes to your Visual Studio Project file before publishing.

1. Login to the portal at and click on your hosting plan.

2. In the hosting control panel click on 'Web Sites' under the title 'Web & Applications'.

3. Click on the website you want to publish using Web Deploy.

4. Click on the "Web Publishing" tab. Enter a username and password, then click "Enable"

5. Now click "Download Publishing Profile for this web site" to download. If this is for Visual Studio rename this file to {ProjectName}.Publish.xml and copy the file to the root folder of your project (Note : This is project, not solution)

Now, in VS 2010 to 2015 we need to make a small change to your project file - we need to do this so the VS Publishing does not overwrite the server folder permissions.

  1. Make sure Visual Studio is closed
  2. Make a backup of your {ProjectName}.csproj (or .vbproj) file
  3. Now open the {ProjectName}.csproj (or .vbproj) file
  4. Locate lines that are like this "<propertygroup condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|AnyCPU' "></propertygroup>"
  5. Underneath this line enter the following
  6. Save the file
  7. Now open Visual Studio and publish your site!

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