How to Deploy a Visual Studio 2010 Web Application Project using FTP

The following instructions apply only to Web Application Projects.

To publish your web application using FTP please complete the following:

Open the project in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.

On the menu click 'Build' -> 'Publish [NameOfYourApplication]'. This will bring up the 'Publish Web' dialog box.

Publsih Web Dialog Box in Visual Studio 2010

Change the 'Publish Method' to FTP.

In the 'Target Location' field, enter: ftp://[domainName]/[subdirectory], e.g.; Replace [subdirectory] with the directory you wish to publish the application to. If your project is directly on the root of your hosting account then set the ftp address to If you are publishing to subdirectory, please make sure it exists on the server as it will not create the folder.

Make sure Passive Mode is selected.

In 'User name' field, enter the FTP username you created in your Control Panel.

In the 'Password' field, enter the FTP password for the above FTP user.

Click Publish.

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